Clinical Sports Medicine is the comprehensive, trusted,
practical manual for managing active people.
6th edition coming soon!
As many of you know, the 5th edition came out in two volumes: V 1 ‘Injuries’ (2017) and V2 ‘The Medicine of Exercise’. (2019). Smaller books are better—more manageable, you only pay for what you want!
The 6th edition is taking that a step further and the old V1 relating to sports injuries will come to you as two books:
(i) Book 1, Foundations of Clinical Practice (how to be a great clinician, the sciences of sports biomechanics, load management etc, principles of assessment, principles of treatment and rehabilitation) and
(ii) Book 2, Managing Injuries (how to treat specific injuries from head to toe).
Foundations of Clinical Practice is in production and will be available in December 2024 (450 pages)
Managing Injuries is well under way and will be available in late 2025. (about 750 pages)
In short, the 5th Volume 1 (2017) has been massively updated and turned into two perfectly-sized and reasonably-priced books. The first book is ideal for those entering the professions. The second book contains all the updated treatment tips you loved in previous editions of Clinical Sports Medicine.
BRIEF CONTENTS 6th Edition - Book 1
1. The patient
2. Providing quality clinical care
3. Clinical reasoning
4. Shared decision making
5. The multidisciplinary team approach
6. Working with sporting teams
7. Career development
8. Acute injuries
9. Overuse injuries
10. How does pain work? Using contemporary
neuroscience to understand pain,
performance and recovery
11. Managing pain
12. Introduction to clinical biomechanics
13. Biomechanical aspects of injury in
nine specific sports
14. Training principles, programming
and prescription
15. Load management
16. Recovery
17. Preventing injury
18. Periodic health assessment of athletes
19. Diagnosis: history and physical examination
20. Diagnosis: imaging
21. Diagnosis: phases of clinical assessment
22. Red flags
23. Using PROMs in clinical practice
24. Treatment of sports injuries
25. Athlete education
26. Surgery in sports and exercise medicine
27. Principles of sports injury rehabilitation
28. Return to sport
BRIEF CONTENTS 6th Edition - Book 2
1. Emergency Medicine
2. Concussion: early management
3. Concussion: rehabilitation
4. Headache in sport
5. Injuries to the face and mouth
6. Neck pain: assessment
7. Neck pain: management
8. Shoulder Pain: Clinical Approach
9. Shoulder pain: Treatment and rehabilitation
10. Elbow and arm pain
11. Wrist pain
12. Hand and finger injuries
13. Thorax and chest pain
14. Breast injuries
15. Low back pain
16. Buttock pain
17. Hip pain
18. Inner thigh pain (groin pain)
19. Anterior thigh pain
20. Posterior thigh pain
21. Knee assessment
22. Acute knee injuries
23. Long-term consequences of knee injuries
24. Patellofemoral joint pain
25. Patellar tendinopathy
26. Lateral knee pain
27. Leg pain
28. Calf pain
29. Achilles tendon injuries
30. Acute ankle injuries
31. Ankle pain
32. Foot pain
- The contributors are 90 of the very top names in sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sports medicine and sport science.
- 16 new chapters with a practical focus.
- 380 figures, 280 new to this edition
- Book 1 is geared to students and those early in their careers—how to be a great clinician.

Coming soon!
6th Edition: Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine
- Written by the very top names in sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sports medicine and sport science from around the world.
- Draws on real-life lessons from around the world.
- Combining aesthetics and evidence in a partnership that provides accessible learning to all readers
- More than 550 new and innovative illustrations, and line drawings superimposed on photographs to aid understanding.
- Makes evidence accessible to busy practitioners to aid their decision making.

Coming soon!
6th Edition: Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine
“A striking feature of Clinical Sports Medicine has always been the authors’ relentless commitment to ‘clinical’. This is a unique book.”
Dr Emma K Stokes, President, World Confederation for Physical Therapy
“The variety of illustrations and their contribution to the understanding of form, function, concepts, intervention and management, in combination with decades of the cumulative wisdom of practitioners, teachers and researchers, ensures that this is an indispensable work.”
“The authors take sports and exercise medicine out of the realm of the elite athlete and present it in the service of everyone in the community who wishes to remain active.”
If you had told us 30 years ago that we would be into our 6th edition of the world’s best selling sports medicine text, we would quite frankly have laughed at you. We had to be talked into writing that first edition, but eventually conceded that there was a real need for a good sports medicine text that was relevant to all the sports medicine professions – doctors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, podiatrists etc. Over the past 30 years, we have researched, written, debated and laughed away through five editions.
The first edition was a very practical manual to diagnose and manage common sports medicine conditions. We relied heavily on our fellow practitioners – doctors, physiotherapists, massage therapists and dietitians at Olympic Park Sports Medicine Cantre in Melbourne Australia, and produced a 600 page book with a red cover that invariably soon started to fall apart. The initial edition was successful beyond our (and the publisher’s) wildest dreams and as a result we have been producing editions every five or so years ever since. We moved to colour in the third edition, and once we realised it was being used as a textbook started adding references to each chapter, initially just a few and now hundreds for each chapter.
Over the five editions Clinical Sports Medicine has become more and more international in its authorship. While we have always had the last word on content, we have been very fortunate to have over 100 co-authors contributing. Their expertise, passion and commitment to the project has enabled us to continue to produce new editions which clearly meet an important need.
After the fourth edition we realised that the book had become too big for one volume, so the fifth edition came out in two volumes – Volume 1 Injuries and Volume 2 The Medicine of Exercise. We are currently working on the Sixth Edition, Volume 1 and hope to publish in 2024.
We really appreciate the regular feedback we get from our readers so please feel free to send any suggestions for additions or changes to Edition 6.
Thank you